Brand concretisation

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Brand concretisation

No matter how developed the brand positioning is – if it is not implemented in a consequent way, it is worthless. Ultimately, it is necessary to convey to the target group what the brand stands for, what makes it valuable and how it differs from other brands. The brand concretisation forms a bridge for implementing the brand promises across the relevant touchpoints of the target groups.

But what makes the brand implementation successful? An example helps to illustrate this: How can you precisely convey to your target group that your own manufacturing machines are of “highest quality”? Would different target groups interpret the subject “quality of manufacturing machines” in different ways? For instance, the production manager would view a precise machine with low down times as high-quality product. On the other hand, the production specifier may possibly prefer a machine with high compatibility that can therefore be easily implemented into the production process. So yes, quality can possibly be interpreted in very different ways by different target groups of the company.

These are the differences that need to be addressed when concretising the brand and its promises. Eventually, you would like to reach your target group(s) in the best possible way and use a stringent argumentation to convince them that your brand should be their first choice.

What we offer

Interdisciplinary workshops are used to develop together what exactly the positioning of your brand means and how your brand can be conveyed. In doing so, we rely on the methodically robust means end chain approach, which has already been proven of value by numerous projects. Thereby the needs of the target group(s) are worked out in detail and possible regional or product area related differences uncovered. Based on this, the argumentation components that are relevant, differentiating and credible from the target group’s point of view are identified and rigorously merged as a next step.

As a result you receive holistic argumentation chains that are consistent, easy, understandable and in particular applicable. They support you in credibly conveying to your target group that their central needs can be satisfied by the added value of your brand. At the same time you also address the emotion, which should be triggered in the target group when their needs are fulfilled. This way you receive the ideal preparation for sales talks, communication briefings, appearance at fairs or implementation at the point of sale.

To pick up the previous example again: the production specifier does not want to rearrange his whole system after buying a new manufacturing machine. You can counter that your machines have high interface compatibility at their disposal and are therefore easy to integrate into existing production processes. This way the production manager feels more confident with his decision and eventually disburdened.


Your benefit

The early integration of different functional areas as well as the collective development of a brand concretisation ensures the commitment of all involved areas. At the same time, a concretised brand positioning results in a uniform and profound brand awareness within the whole organisation, as it includes convincing arguments far away from an abstract or superficial level.

These arguments support you in anchoring the brand in the hearts and minds of your target group(s). Your brand positioning is not just an empty shell, but also includes concrete and convincing arguments for your brand: At the end of the day you obtain brand messages specific to your target groups that also consider regional or product area specific features. We ensure that you have the best prerequisites to focus on the essential arguments of your brand communication and to systematically address the needs of your target group with your brand. Doing so lays the foundation for an efficient, brand strengthening communication and a brand supporting behavior. Your brand distinguishes itself positively from the competitive environment, which in turn simplifies the acquisition of new or the bond of existing customers and the implementation of a price premium.

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