Hidden champions

What are Hidden Champions?

Hidden champions are companies that are world market leaders in their industry. Contrary to what the term world market leader might suggest, these companies predominantly belong to the SME sector. Their brands are barely known to the general public but are considered true power brands within their industry.

Hidden champions primarily operate in the B2B market or the premium segment. Often family-owned for several generations, these companies have specialised in niche markets and are renowned for their genuine problem-solving capabilities. They hold a leading position due to their product quality, innovative strength, and technological expertise.


What is the Significance Hidden Champions in Germany?

Germany, alongside China, is a global leader in exporting goods and services. As such, Germany is one of the few industrialised nations that has managed to expand its share of global exports even in the era of globalisation. In two-thirds of all market segments, German companies rank among the top three. Notably, around 90% of these German world market leaders are medium-sized enterprises, or hidden champions.



Biesalski, A., de Crignis, T. (2015). Die Marken der Hidden Champions 2015

Langenscheidt, F., Venohr, B. (2015). Lexikon der deutschen Weltmarktführer (2. Auflage), GABAL

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