Corporate Reputation Score
Corporate reputation score
Corporate Reputation Score
Good products, good service, good advertising and good distribution – all this alone does not seem to be enough. On top of that, you need a good reputation to establish stable customer relationships. A good reputation is becoming increasingly important in the world of business. And not without reason, because on average a good name generates a quarter of the total turnover!
In addition, legislators are increasingly requiring the reporting of non-financial figures. Perhaps or precisely because of this, reputation is one of the current topics of discussion. So far, however, it has been rather unwieldy from a business point of view. Therefore, how can reputation be expressed as a business ratio?
The answer is: With the help of the “Corporate Reputation Score” (CRS) – the ratio transforms reputation into an objectively measurable variable. The corresponding study of the same eponymous name confirms and illustrates the effectiveness of the Corporate Reputation Score. In cooperation with the communications agency Serviceplan, we analyzed how the activities and communication of a company influence its reputation.
In 2012, the first survey was conducted in a broad-based investigation. This survey determined the reputation of 10 German DAX companies. Since then, the Corporate Reputation Score has been an established business indicator for measuring corporate reputation. In cooperation with manager magazine, a second survey with an extended sample and under the inclusion of non-listed companies followed in 2018.
What we offer
The aim of the Corporate Reputation Score is to establish a relationship between reputation and turnover, to identify the causes of reputation formation and thereby to turn reputation into a manageable business variable.
The Corporate Reputation Score is mainly intended to measure the reputation perception of a company’s customers. This is the basic condition for creating a valid relationship between turnover and reputation. A detailed, empirically valid calculation afterwards shows the exact cause-effect relationships between the reputation strength and the (buying) behaviour of the stakeholders. The share of reputation in total sales is then ascertained, which in turn results in reputation revenues – i.e. sales directly attributable to the company’s reputation.
In summary, we use the Corporate Reputation Score to measure the holistic impression a company leaves on its stakeholders and quantify it in the form of a business ratio.
Your benefit
The Corporate Reputation Score summarizes the subjective stakeholder perceptions in an objective, aggregated index value on a scale ranging from 0 to 100. As a result, your own position is benchmarked against the top performers in your industry. This allows a statement to be given as to whether your company has a good or a less good reputation.
In addition, the success drivers behind the reputation are identified. You will discover which contents have a profit-enhancing influence and which instruments are mostly effective to increase reputation revenues or which actions have the greatest impact. Such measures can also be taken at market and industry level or in relation to the respective business model or company.
In conclusion, the Corporate Reputation Score shows if you already rank among the top reputation performers in the context of economic success.