
Brand strategy

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Brand portfolio and brand architecture

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Brand identity and positioning

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Customer journey mapping

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Communication idea

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Brand-driven innovations

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Fit for the future with strategic superiority

Saturated markets, a highly competitive environment or increasing pressure to succeed are possible reasons, which make a specified growth strategy necessary. The aim is to defend the company’s position in the competitive environment or to systematically attack competitors. However, growth should not be achieved at all costs – but rather guided sustainably and strategically. It is not enough to just use one’s gut feeling for this.

The motivation to grow as a company is often due to external, aggravating conditions, but can also be of intrinsic nature. Entrepreneurial or simply personal drive of the owner can help to accelerate growth – for example when it is part of the vision. It may be the personal ambition or a set goal of the owner to generate higher profit margins and grow yield-orientated.

Another motive can be to use the power of the brand as a customer orientation program for everyone in the company and thus to sustainably anchor and implement the brand as driver for success in the company. Alternatively, you may want to use your brand as “advocate” – as mediator between your company, your brand and the market.

For this purpose, a clear brand strategy should be derived as a first step, meaning that the corporate goals should be reconciled with the brand goals. This basis should then be used to question the structure and organisation of your portfolio, including all brands, selected products, services and product attributes. Afterwards you can position your brand, keeping in mind the desires and needs of the relevant target groups, but also the competition.

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